Saturday, 11 May 2019

The Inner Voice

From the time we wake up to the time we sleep, we are in constant talks with our brain, our phone and some lucky individuals. Our brain tells us to be mean, to be cunning, to be diplomatic, all things selfish basically. Our phone, well it wants us to be everything except for what we are. Kohli, Alia, Ranbir, Malaika when you are a bit older and Mr. Bachchan when you are even more older. All but nothing of you.
There is one more voice, that lies within, still yet violent, calm yet not serene, that wants to take over everything but doesn't know how to trade. The voice that hardly finds a voice, knows only to give, expects nothing in return, sometimes fills your heart and soul with joy, other times finds a way out through your eyes. The feeling that tells you to be true, to be positive, to be loving, to be human.
When we feel anxious or without answers, a voice always tries to find a way out, but our speedy brain takes no time to kill it. When someone else's happiness makes you cry, when a cunning brain is oversped by a generous heart to help someone, when the trees, the wind, the world, all look beautiful to the eyes, when wants are replaced by contentment, when you worry for peace not placements, that voice finds a say. The strength we come across amidst all the chaos is the actual power of your inner self.
Be more of who you are, then only you can be what you want to be.

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