Monday 13 February 2017

Valentine's Day

Each smile this face receives is your prayer coming true,
Every beautiful sight I watch is you turning new,
Each melodious song I hear is your memories flowing through,
Every poem I write is your love within me with words new,
Each gasping breath I took was followed by a breeze you blew,
Every pain of this heart was a riddle that only you knew,
Each moment of wait was hard to pass, but with you time just flew,
Every good habit you taught made me more human, before which I was like an animal in the zoo,
Each success I received was after your arrival, in spite of them being long due,
Every ray of sun that falls on me is God's blessing you drew,
Each warm hug you embrace me with is the best present after you,
With all the roses, chocolates, teddies, promises, kisses and hugs just for you,
All I wish to say this Valentine's with all my heart my love is that I LOVE YOU.

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